

NutriFish is an Input Approved by EcoCert for organic agriculture operations liquid fish fertilizer. It is derived using ERMP, a unique technology, making all nutrients and supplements readily available for plant use. Apart from macro, micro and trace elements, it also contains amino acids from organic source (Plant, animal and mined minerals) that are vital and building blocks of sugars and proteins. These nutrients, crucial for growth, development and production with superior in quality are pre-digested for ready to use form for plants uptake. NutriFish is made using deep-water fish, bottom-feeders rich in trace minerals and amino acids. It is an ideal choice for certified Organic growers involved in all kind of agricultural production. It can be used either as a standalone fertilizer or as a supplement for optimum plant production. Besides drench, because of its unique formulation NutriFish can be used in drip and foliar applications.


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